Transvestia someone to help him. Come on Tony," pleaded Cole, "what's the word?'

"Ah, innocent man maybe, but what the hell was he doing in women's clothes. He's better off locked up. 11 When he finished talking he turned his back and began cleaning glasses, sloshing them in soapy water, then clear.

"I'll be back Tony."

"Don't bother gumshoe"

It was getting dark. Cole climbed into his car which was parked nearby. He watched the store lights flicker on and the multicolored lights that hung from twisted pine branches. "it came upon a midnight clear" the speakers blared. Cole lit a cigarette and thought about Tom Warden, Tony and Albert Leone. He looked over the notes again and again. He was about to start his engine when he spotted Leone and his four buddies walking into Tony's. He remained still for a few minutes then climbed from the car. He wanted to get a good look at all of them and this was as good a time as any. Cole stood on the sidewalk observing the group through the grease splattered window. "Five little punks.' he thought to himself. He walked back to his car, waited a few minutes then drove off.

Tom Warden was up early and having coffee when Cole dropped by.

"You really get an early start" said Tom.

"I haven't got too much time to work on your case before the trial."

"Anything new?"